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What happens if my comment is removed?
If you post something to AAS Forums that gets moderated (removed), you will receive a notification via email informing you of our decision. You will be informed as to which of the moderation rules you are in breach of and be given the opportunity to revise and resubmit your contribution.
What if I disagree with a moderation decision?
If you disagree with a moderation decision you can contact the moderators by contacting While the final moderation decision lies with the moderator(s), you may indicate to us why you think your contribution should be accepted. In some instances, you may be referred to the AAS Executive Committee for a final decision.
Can AAS remove my comment just because they don’t like it?
No, a moderator can't remove a post simply because they don't like it. All forums posts are moderated in accordance with the moderation rules. The AAS reserves the right to request a contribution be moderated if they feel it is in breach of these moderation rules. In this instance, you will receive a notification.
Can I report a comment for moderation and will I be anonymous?
If you feel a comment or contribution to AAS Forums is in breach of the moderation rules, you are within your right to alert our moderators via Alerting a moderator will not reveal your identity to the person who posted the comment and you will remain anonymous.
How will I know if I have been blocked from the site?
If you are repeatedly in breach of the moderation rules you may incur sanctions. In the instance that you are blocked from AAS Forums, you will receive an email notification informing you of your sanctions and the conditions of those sanctions.